Goodbay 2009 Hello Year of the Jets

 nobody expect Jetset  to make it up on top They expected that the whole Ent to drop and then flop
 "maybe he stop savin' all the good Cloth´s for himself"
 i remeber somone how made this comment : he big-headed all i have to say about that- Won't you please stop talking about how my dick head is

 Some say am arrogant. Can y'all blame Me? It was straight embarrassing how Fredrik played Me.

 i wuz workin with Fredrik (he workin with Co in Fashion) and i askt about what he wuz thinkin about my Clothing line , I was tryin' to shine that motherfucker told me that I couldn't do it now more,2 weeks later Fredrik had a fashion show on östermalm with 5-6 of my cloth haha i dont now about u butt i repect him cuz he playd me that day he wuz a better player than me BUTT you wuz not on Saras Fashion show and you ARE ALWAYS EVERY YEAR ON HERS what happend?now you got her pisst of to and you never want to make her pisst off cuz people shes a OG she can make u work on alaska if she wants to

  Now I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem Or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams I use it as my gas so guess am gassde
So I don't listen to the suits behind the desk no more You niggaz wear suits 'cause you can't dress no more

Paul do u remeber when we wuz att the film festival awards? we meet "Mr Big"Girl he had with him - ass coulda won the horse awards 

i love LV so thats make me the Louis Vuitton Don Bought my mom a purse, duz that make her a Louis Vuitton Mom?

Jets out 

Jets come back next year with the whole fucking game

LV 4 life

Jetset 4 EVA


Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009
2 day 8pm swedish time

Happy New Year From the Jets

Hello World

Happy New Year

SF Jetset Present a confessions by the Luie Vuitton Don (Co of The Jets)

Hello World or this time Am gonna say Hello D

Do you think i sacrificed real life
For all the things, Fashion Shows ,cloths,The Rolls and bad we dont have to go there
There is no More louis vuitton  i can buy
There is soon no more spot 4 my tattos to put on There is no clothes that i could buy
That could bring back the time
There is no vacation spot i could fly That could bring back a real piece of real life

Remember when all we did wuz luck at Sopranos? up in my Crib and Jetset wuz just a big dream!!!!

i wuz Chasing the Big dream, chasing everything we seen, up on the tv screen
Never gonna forget your luck when i told u, i wuz moving from sweden 
 ...u luckt at me and askt me: what u gonna do when you dont have ur RR left and the clothes left, and the hoes left???? after that u kiss me on the left and tuck My virgin mari and left
U askt me if i hade the stamina:
For everybody that sees you and that say wheres my camera?
For everybody that sees you and says there is he with all the tattos
For everybody that sees you and says that you all this and that

Thanx 2 the Jets how let me type this and thanx 4 all the love and support

Jetset Or Die

BLAKROC : feat. Nicole Wray and Jim Jones

Från Jets 2 You

God Jul Gott Nytt År

Feliz Navidad

She is Gone

i Cvot

{Jae Millz}

NEW Season back to the green like a JETS fan


Jay-Z (Feat. Mr. Hudson) - Young Forever

Mr West is BIG

Efter det året han haft är det hur stort som helst

The College Dropout is ew´s Top album of the decade

Lil Wayne & DJ Scoob Doo “The Nino Brown Story Part 2″ [Preview]

Its BTF Morning

Jimmy and Currensy


Work like this make me wanna get Better

Robin Thick Brings Out Nicki Minaj To Perform "Shakin It For Daddy"!

Robin is back and that Nicki....Dont now what 2 say

Juelz is back Smell me (Jets Musik)

Its here elz gonna kill 2010 like the Jets

Jets Back In 2010

Hello World

Yeas i Love Haters

Jets är tillbaka nästa år

Mer bilder

Presentationen av SupaFly (klädmärket)

Info OM boken Born 2 Lose Built 2 Win

Och mer om teater

Hoppas ni får ett bra ny år och ett bättre NYTT år

I’m focused on the future cos yesterday is history

Jetset Or Die

Jets Comment on Tha Carter Doc

Hello World

Nu har det gått ett tag sen Lil Waynes Doc kom ut (tha Carter) vilket vart en besvikelse för mej
Med all Lil wayne hype och allt som kommer med det så borde film teamet filmat bättre å gjort en bättre story efter som jag har lyssnat på birdman å wezzy sen jag va liten (big tymers hot boys 80´s så kräver jag den får godkänt

men måste säga att JIM JONES Doc (This is Jim Jones) Killd lil waynes Doc har sina stunder...

I Clipet snackar lil wayne me en Young money artist (lil twist)om hur och när wezzy förlora sin oskuld (Funny)
som han själv säger jag vart våldtagen när jag var 11 and i loved it (lol)

Mer Jets info kommer i jan tex:
boken (born to lose built to win) kläderna (SupaFly)


Its Jetset Or KILL Yourself,

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